Several months ago I posted this little rant, and Thursday night into Friday morning (at work) I gained a bit of new perspective. Not to say that the experience changed my perspective, but it certainly expanded it somewhat.
I was stuck in a fairly small production area (a room, basically) with two women and a young guy who was nominally in charge but was out of the room most of the time, and whose chatroom handle is probably 'booty-call' I jealous? That's the same thing as asking if I wish I were 15 years younger than I am, which he is, but I wouldn't make that wish if his maturity-level was part of the package. He's a good kid, and intelligent-don't get me wrong on that score. And for those who are paying attention, me, a 27-year-old is a kid. If I was in Drivers Ed when he was born, he's a kid. Maybe that's just me, but it's a bit like a few years ago when it was a compliment to get carded. Nowadays you could be three days older than the Almighty and still have to present ID. Bottom line, there's nothing wrong with being a kid-especially once you can't really pass for one anymore. This kid at least likes Stephen King's work, as I do. But I digress, big-time! Incidentally, his absence didn't bother me at all; I was able to do his job as well as my own while he was off and about-which is somewhat relevant, as I will try to demonstrate along the way.
I was working with these two women (they were working side-by-side, while I was further down the line, about ten or twelve feet away), both of whom I'd had some pleasant banter with before. The first two-hour period went just fine; the two of them chatted happily away, and they kept up, so I was keeping busy-the way I like it. Indeed, after the break I volunteered to stay where I was (rather than rotating spots) if that was fine by them, which it was. Ten or fifteen minutes later, it started. I should mention here that I'd thought I was hearing some peculiar pronouncements earlier, but with the machine noise and the distance I couldn't make out much of what they were saying at all. This time, however, their voices were raised, they were obscene, and they took turns spewing long, loud comma-free tirades.
The BDS Force is strong with those two, I'll certainly say that, but their rhetoric was anti-conservative in general. (That's Bush Derangement Syndrome, for the uninitiated.) They swapped rants about the war for a bit, as well as other leftist-sounding drivel ('They' want to end the food stamp program!); (Look at these gas prices-you know damn well them oil companies could bring em down if they wanted to!) and et cetera ad hominem ad nauseum. At one point (while doing the absent kid's job) I walked around and said in a cheery voice: "Sounds like Randi Rhodes is here!" Just to see what would happen. Neither seemed to recognize the name, which leads me to wonder if she might've been better off financially staying in adult entertainment. Porn, left-wing radio-it really comes to the same thing.
The noise level seemed to fall a little, at least for a bit, but it seemed to gradually but quickly rise again, and then at one point-when the kid favored us with a cameo appearance-one asked him which war was which (I was a little too annoyed to take notes while all this was going on), and he suggested that she was referring to Desert Storm. She said (paraphrasing): "Oh, that wasn't a real war..."
Well, that kinda did it for yours truly. "Well thanks a lot-I was there, and it sure felt like one to me!" They leaned forward and looked down the line at me (and the kid kinda glanced at me and smiled), and the one with the really big yap said "Oh-I didn't mean anything against you!" Sincerely said it, and I knew so then; it actually eased my nerves a bit. She repeated that sentiment a bit later, and I said "I understand", although I didn't specify what I understand.
I saved that for this report from the lower-middle class, heartland USA, in part because I'm in a somewhat tenuous position. Like those two women, I am at present a 'temp'. That may soon change, as the kid's moving to a different position, leaving his open. I've established a reputation for being dependable, punctual, and amiable; I get along well with all the regulars, including even the one relatively difficult line-lead that everyone else complains about, and the other temps as well. Not because I kiss up, either, but because I shut up; I don't make waves. All three of my references are long-time, well-regarded employees, so I have a fair shot at getting hired in. As a general rule, one has to be working temp at this company for a year or better, and some existing employee has to quit, retire, or die before they'll hire someone. I say all this to forestall the understandable question: "Well, why didn't you engage them in debate instead of standing back there annoyed?"
Has it occurred to anyone reading this to wonder why it is that these two loud, obscene women would seemingly assume that I not only would disagree with their rhetorical spew but would've much preferred not to have to listen to it?
I suspect that it didn't occur to them. Had they thought about it at all, which is unlikely in the extreme, they would've probably thought something like 'well he's a nice guy; how could he not agree with this?' in whatever short-hand the mental process utilizes.
I don't really hold it against them. I first started this screed the very night it occurred; it is now Monday-into-Tuesday, another night of work, and I was assigned to the same line as the big-mouth. I was polite with her, and she'd forgotten the whole thing. And that brings me to the very crux of this post, referring back to the other one I linked at the beginning: A disconcerting number of people who support the leftists do so not because they support the actual goals of the leftists, but because they are in many ways child-like. I'm not a parent, but I think it's fair to say that I've observed enough of young kids in my 41 years (having more nieces and nephews than I can number without some thought) to have some perspective-never mind that I was one myself twenty-five years ago. The mindset seems to be that of an eleven- or twelve-year-old, well beyond the tooth-fairy age but far from mature, yet often reasonably intelligent. So then here goes...channeling that mindset:
"Anyone who disagrees with or argues against a part of my belief-system is mean-spirited/a bigot/doesn't like me/just stupid!"
"But it's bad to fight just because somebody wants to fight you! What's wrong with trying to talk to somebody who wants to fight you when it might just be a misunderstanding? Or maybe it's something you did, even if you don't know it, and you can work it out? Wouldn't it be better to just not fight and be the better person? Nobody really gets hurt that way!"
"But it doesn't have to be this way, don't you see that? The world should be a better place-and it can be if we're just nice to everybody! We just have to give a little!"
I could go on, but that gave me a headache. I think you'll agree that it's a good sampling of the rhetoric of the political left, as projected through their propaganda wing-the so-called mainstream media. Simplistic idealism based upon emotionalism; no sign of reason or realism. That essentially defines the rhetoric of the leftists and their proxies which is intended for public consumption, and it's not at all related to their true (Marxist/Stalinist) goals and intentions; they dare not make those public-not overtly. All the same...with the power of the pen/microphone/news-camera/NEA teacher, they have the ability to inculcate this very child-like mindset into those who are-despite their natural intelligence-easily dumbed-down, easily led, and easily indoctrinated.
Could this be not by design? I think not. And although this is of no small concern to me, I do find it heartening that there are so many true conservatives today--many of them even younger than those two intelligent yet sheep-like women--who intuitively dismiss the MSM crap as agenda-driven, and who understand the very real danger these leftists pose to America. It gives me hope that we will survive as a nation even in spite of GW Bush and the Republicans of today.
Next: (I think!) That Fred post I mentioned.
Friday, July 6, 2007
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There are a LOT of young conservatives out there. I hear from them everyday. And while it is totally understandable that you didn't engage the two co-workers in debate because you are looking to obtain a full time position, we, as conservatives, need to speak out against the liberal drivel when we can. I have had similiar situations and I've found that you can make your point in a calm manner, simply by asking questions. 90% of the time, they will NOT have an intelligent response and then they begin the cussing. That's when you know you have won.
Nice first post.
Thanks, Steph!
And Trent, you're certainly correct-thank you for pointing it out here, as it can't be said enough.
In this instance, my dilemma was not merely that I didn't wish to make waves and jeopardize my prospects of a permanent full-time position; perhaps I didn't paint a clear enough picture. This room is about 25' x '10, and when the line is running there's plenty of machine noise-and the acoustics are pretty good in noise dampeners. The two women were about in the middle of the room, and I was close to one end, with a machine between them and me. My job didn't allow me much time to step away-enough to cross the room and do the kid's chores for him, and I had to hustle to do that much-much less to engage in anything more than a drive-by conversation, which of course could've evolved into what might've been seen as a shouting-match. Hence my annoyance-or maybe the better word would be frustration.
I certainly wish I could've been able to engage her/them in a civil discussion, with the requisites in place-the ability to make eye-contact and maintain a normal tone of voice. I would've loved to ask where she/they get their 'information'. My guess would be that she/they would say that they heard it from 'friends' and/or TV news.
I know you weren't being critical, but I thought I'd clear that up-again, you're quite correct; such ignorance needs to be confronted. But of course, we all have to be thoughtful in choosing our battlefields when we have a choice about it.
I'm glad you understood I wasn't being critical....because I certainly wasn't. Like you said there is a time and place for these conversations and debates and work isn't always the best place for them. I was speaking in a more general sense of challenging the liberal nonsense, when appropriate, instead of biting our tongues. The libs are so quick to spout their venom anytime and anywhere they want. It's time we confront them. And like I said, you can usually accomplish this with just a few simple questions that destroy their whole argument. Keep up the great work!
Thanks, Trent! Ironically, this evening I had that opportunity I would've wished for the other night, as at one point I was working across from the one woman. (By the way, she's barely that, being only 23.) I didn't do anything to steer the conversation; it was pretty mundane stuff at first, but then she made a left turn, so to speak. Into this tripe about 'Bush using fear'-probably picked that one up from Al (The Unhinged One) Gore. I said: "I don't get that-I don't feel that way." Response (surprised): "You don't, really?" And something about our civil liberties being stripped away one by one-mind you, the gal's reasonably intelligent, so I don't think the rhetorical style is above her, but the phrasing sounds suspiciously familiar, don't you think? My response: "Well, like what? In what way?" She persisted in the vein of this 'chipping away' mantra (which any well-informed person should realize is exactly what the leftists are attempting to do), then sort of cut herself off and said she believed GW Bush knew about 9-11 in advance. I can't recall the precise wording, but that was the gist. My response: Sidelong-glance, half smile, a little shake of the head. "I really doubt that." She actually seemed a little embarrassed. I could've pressed the point, but it was nearly time to rotate to another spot, so I mentioned Alex Jones (one of the loudest and kookiest 'truthers') as reason enough not to believe in that bizarre crap. She didn't recognize the name, by the way, and she seemed genuinely amused when I told her a little anecdote a 9-11 family member told me which had to do with Jones at least peripherally. She did tell me that her grandparents are in NYC, not far from Ground Zero, and how frantic she was that day. It's unfortunate that I couldn't pursue it, as we both moved on. I doubt she would've wanted to continue anyhow. But I do think I scored a point or two there, and maybe-just maybe-I got her thinking, questioning...she didn't turn hostile on me, after all, and I think a dyed-in-the-wool leftist would've. In light of her rhetoric, my guess is that she's been listening to Rosie O'Dumbbell. I may ask her if she likes The Leftist View if I get a chance.
I thought of this blog today. I was at the dentist and I switched the t.v. in my room to Fox News to see Bush's press conference. The dentist was filling a small cavity of mine and started with some liberal nonsense. I kept quiet this time. I figured it wasn't a good idea to challenge the dentist on his political views while he was drilling my tooth! LOL
LOL-very wise, Trent! A dentist's OR is a really poor choice for a battlefield!
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