Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Conservative-Themed T-Shirts...And a Great Cause!

My MLF (that's Mark Levin Fan for you initiates) friend Trent has some great conservative-themed t-shirts and other items for sale here. Above is the latest offering. Trent's donating a portion of the proceeds of all sales to the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund, which provides tuition assistance to the children of our fallen or disabled warriors in this War On Barbarism, throughout the run of the five separate Freedom Concert events, which conclude on September 11 in New Jersey.

Sean Hannity made it all happen, along with Oliver North-great Americans, both! I understand Mark will attend two or three of the concerts this year, and the other two will attend all of them...I sure wish I could, but the prospects aren't favorable. Ah well...I'm not a Cubs fan, but I'm used to saying 'Maybe next year...'

Check out the store, and check out the rest of Trent's site while you're at it!

And if the bucks are a bit too scarce for a t-shirt or cap (or even if they aren't), you might consider helping a patriotic young lad in Brooklyn do his part in this effort. Last year he raised $250-and there were only two concerts last year, in a much shorter span of time. Young Robert is already assured of a new record, I'm told, and there are four concerts yet to come. I hope you'll join me in helping this young man git er done...and put a beautiful boyish smile on his face. He has several great items available for sale. He also has a great couple of parents.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plug! : ) I am honored to do my part in helping raise funds for the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund. Just to expand a little, I am donating $2.00 for every item purchased from now through September 23rd. I figured Sean Hannity was doing concerts ALL summer, so I could run this fund raising promotion all summer. And I agree, if you don't have the funds for a shirt or hat, check out the other site listed. OR if you do have the funds and don't see any products you like at my site, make a donation directly to the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund.


Anonymous said...

I would like to join our friend Trent in thanking you. As the mother of that lad in Brooklyn I am proud of him and also proud to call you a friend. I can happily report at this point doubling last year's total is well within reach and the efforts of good friends like you have made it so much easier.

ProudGulfWarVet65 said...

My pleasure, Trent; you have a great site and insightful commentary. Thanks also for clarifying your donation schedule-I didn't feel it was my place to do so, and it's right at the other end of that link anyhow. Best of luck on your front, my friend!

And Adriana, thank you, and God bless! Your boy is special in many respects, not the least of which is a great set of parents. I'm both proud and privileged to have 'met' you and Anthony, and hope to have that pleasure in person one day. Any little thing I can do in the interest of the children of my fallen brothers- and sisters-in-arms, I mean to do it. And if it also happens to help a patriotic young Scout to do his part, I can't think of any good reason not to do so.