Saturday, March 6, 2010

"Conservatism is the future of America"

The title is in quotes so that there's no mistake-this is meant to highlight a newspaper commentary. Depending on your news-gathering habits (dead-tree, online) you may not have seen this. If not, you're probably not a Briton. That is, a citizen of the UK/Great Britain or whatever you want to call it. The British press is, if nothing else, more open and honest than the leftist toadies in the so-called mainstream media here in the 'colonies'. And more interested in and dogged about what we little people think of as noteworthy facts than our so-called domestic media, generally speaking. They're leftists for the most part, but they're not bashful about it, and they're generally realistic. Even they acknowledge the damage Climategate has done to their beloved global warming (America-destroying) swindle.

The title article is here, and here is one standout snip (I had a couple others in mind, but for some reason I couldn't get them to take):
Just this week, the White House was stunned by a CNN poll that showed that 52 percent of Americans believe Barack Obama should not be reelected in 2012, a powerful vote of no confidence in a president who’s (sic-gotta point it out to be fair) big government agenda has been overwhelmingly rejected.
Yeah, and that's a CNN poll. DNCNN, as I think of it. Rasmussen is more reliable if you like polls, and I'm wary of all of them, even Rasmussen.

Well, if they're playing censorship games on Facebook, why not here? I try to paste something, I can do it only by wiping out everything I've already written.

Cute, google punks. What goes around comes around...Trotsky could've told you that nobody stays in favor forever. In other words, there's no end to kissing these Marxists' asses once you start down that road. Guess I'll start drafting my posts in Writer mode from here on.

Fleet Street gets it, US-based media. Ignoring it won't alter the salient facts...true conservatism is on the ascendancy. That ascendancy gains momentum with each passing day and each word/lie that passes the Little Creep's lips.

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