Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tea Party Piracy

Please read this before proceeding, if you haven't already seen it. It's a good and instructive article-bottom line, has-beens and wannabes are trying to hijack the Tea Party movement. In the former category I would place Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey, a pair who have devolved into Beltway guys-they've gone native. Conventional wisdom, you know-they're just full of that, among other things. Kind of like the NY Slimes' token white 'conservative' guy David Brooks, and speaking of Davids...does anyone know what's become of Mr. New Majority, David Frum? Not that I care...just kinda curious.

If you actually read the piece, you will see that there is no centralization involved here, which is a good thing, it seems to me-leaderless indeed. The Tea Party movement wouldn't be what it is if there was a single person/leader to fire an arrow at, but the media pukes are trying to find one. Even they are bright enough to know that that person isn't Sarah Palin, or Glenn Beck. It does annoy me that "(s)ome accused Skoda and convention organizer Judson Phillips of trying to use the convention to elevate themselves as leaders of the movement." I don't know Mr. Skoda, but I have chatted with Judson over the past several months and never got a sense that he wants that target painted on him, beyond what he's already done; I've gotten no sense that he's anything but a true believer in the cause. Let's overlook the fact that he's a lawyer. But seriously...

Unless you're a Beltway establishmentarian like Newt or Armey (who would, either of them, undoubtedly modify the entire purpose of the movement to suit themselves), you wouldn't want those arrows being shot at you...would you?

We don't need centralization, and we sure as hell don't need a third party. We don't need distractions such as this 'birther' crap-we need focus. If we can maintain that-and much can and no doubt will happen between now and November-it might be possible to stall and even begin to undo what the Little Creep has wrought. Because he's not done yet.

Update: I was definitely remiss in neglecting to mention the Ron Paul movement in this context. This is precisely the sort of thing we need to beware of:

We can't continue to let the neo-Cons try to elbow their way in. It's ironic how all the old neo-Cons that were big government spenders (Romney, Gingrich, etc.) have suddenly found religion with the Tea Party movement. Even Glenn Beck was telling us we needed the bank bailouts!

This RuPaul supporter has a point about Gingrich, to be sure, but I must point out that in his time as House Speaker Newt actually was a good conservative. Remember those surpluses? And the slur 'neo-con' is code for 'Jew' and/or 'pro-Israel', and interestingly enough, it's something these tin-foil hat 'real conservatives' have in common with the Marxist left. I could've done an entire post on Ron Paul to correct my oversight, but why waste the time and space on some guy who's gonna be 77 come the 2012 general election? Does anyone seriously believe that at that age he would have a prayer of winning even if nominated? Not I. And yet they're crowing about this meaningless CPAC straw-poll that they undoubtedly spammed. Too bad there weren't a few black helicopters flying around there while that was going on; they'd have probably scattered to the hills. These people are so tiresome.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Trying Again...

I've been holding off posting for some time, in part (but not in toto) because my computer and connection aren't/haven't been especially reliable. My connection is a little better, and (PLEASE?!?) I should be getting my new CPU this coming weekend.

It's a helluva good deal for 5 c-notes; a TB hard-drive (compared with this old 40 GB fossil) and at least triple the processing power and RAM I have now, and this guy is building it for me and will deliver it to me from 200 miles away, give or take. Beat that deal! I was hoping last weekend, but have since learned that he had a nasty accident. He didn't elaborate, but maybe he stepped outside and slipped on some of Al Gore's global warming; he said he spent a week in the hospital. more ways than one. Especially if he's entirely self-employed...I've been told by a mutual friend that he has a shop in northern Indiana, but not whether or not that's just a side-thing. If not and he doesn't have a health care plan...and no telling if our beloved messiah would deem him worthy of coverage under his divinely-inspired plan.

Which-well, nothing at all divine about Nancy Pelosi, an alleged Catholic; she'd probably be like the witch in the Wizard of Oz if she stepped into a church and/or got splashed with holy water. (Does the Catholic Conference endorse the over-use of botox, just by the way?) The ONE has presented no actual plan of his own, and doesn't have a particular clue about the plans that have been and are yet in play; he merely wants a shell bill to build on, and it's not beyond the realm of possibility that he'll get it...not if the aforementioned witch gets her way.

Speaking of witches, it seems that Hillary has seen the light-no matter how nice you try to be to that little nutcase in Iran, he/it isn't gonna quit being a nutcase.

Meanwhile, there's a surge in Afghanistan...and the troops have one hand tied behind their backs. Don't shoot-even if you know they're the enemy-if they're not armed. And if they're shooting at you and there's a possibility that a civilian might be in the vicinity, don't shoot. Oh yes, Dear Leader, o wise one! Yeah...he'll blame GW Bush and/or General McCrystal if it breaks really bad, and take credit if we catch a break. I hate to say it, but I'm starting to think this RINO wimp Tim Johnson we have here in IL-15 was right in a way. Fight the damn war or get the hell out of it! I'm pleased to see this nosedive Obama and his Chicago thugs pals are in, and I hope it continues and accelerates-but I don't want my brothers and sisters out there to suffer the consequences.* I fear that some will, however, and it's...there's no word for it; no adjective I can think of that adequately defines how I feel about that. I'll leave it at that.

But I'm trying again here...dipping my toe in the water, as it were. It's a start.

*My ETS (Expiration of Term of Service) was over 18 years ago. The oath I took (to preserve, protect, and defend, etc.) will NEVER expire. God bless and keep you, my brothers and sisters!